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Portable Calibrator for gas flow and pressure


Bronkhorst High-Tech have developed a portable calibration system to meet the increasing demands of users of measurement and control equipment within the ISO-9000 quality control system. The FLUICAL® Portable Calibrator offers great flexibility thanks to its modular design. Its accuracy is traceable to national standards.


The Bronkhorst High-Tech portable calibrator is a light weight case with a carrying handle, containing a number of accurately calibrated digital flow or pressure measuring modules. The number of channels and the flow or pressure ranges are on customer's specification.

The portable calibrator enables the user to check the calibration of flow meters/controllers as well as pressure transducers/controllers on site. The instrument to be checked is hooked up to the measuring module selected, and then the actual flow or pressure of the instrument is compared with the results of this module.

To reach optimum accuracy the flow modules are calibrated with a polynomial function. the calibration date are fed into the Bronkhorst High-Tech series E-7000 digital readout and control module. This module has standard FLOW-BUS connection for digital communication. As an option, the E-7000 can be equipped with a FLOW-BUS/RS-232 interface ("40"-module), or a FLOW-BUS/Profibus-DP interface ("41"-module).

Technical specifications

Material of construction
(wetted parts ) 
Aluminum or stainless steel
 Seals Viton, other on request
(on front or back )
1/8", 1/4" or 1/2" compression type
6 mm or 12 mm compression type
Accuracy depending on customer's requirements;
best accuracy possible ± 0,5% of reading plus ± 0,1 of FS
Flow ranges smallest 0,5...10 mln/min
highest  50...1000 ln/min ( based on air )
For higher capacities separate instruments can be furnished up to a range of 20...1000 m3n/h 
Pressure rating max. 10 bar ( for flow modules )
Pressure ranges smallest 2...100 mbar abs/gauge
highest  1...20 bar abs/gauge
Housing 1/2 19" or 19" table top housing with carrying handle
Supply voltage 100...240 Vac, 24 Vac, 24 Vdc ( to be specified )


For more information see leaflet "Portable calibrator"

Fluical Portable Calibrator

Bronkhorst Mättig GmbH, Märkische Straße 9-11, 59423 Unna, Deutschland, Tel. 02303 25057-0
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